Sunday, 3 February 2008

Back to the drawing board...

The files for Bobo that I was working on got corrupted so I had to start anew...

Anyways, here's some changes to the original model for the change in snout to accomodate the smile and the other blendshapes:

1: "Sweep"

2: Fox

3: "Sooty"

4: "Original"

I kinda prefer the original - hate to go 2 steps forward then 3 steps back but it happens I guess.

The only thing is with the original design, once the fur goes on I dont think smiles or mouth movements are highly visible...


Anonymous said...

Its either Sooty or the original for me. That's awesome by the way!


Åsa said...

Hi Wan!

I want the original - remember the 3D bear we saw online that didnt even have a mouth but that i liked - it worked anyway. We can be expressive with "eyebrows"- just as we decided at the last meeting and maybe add animation with his ears that also would show emotions.

And yes I know we need a UV texturer and I promised u yesterday that I would do what I can to find one - would be nice if everyone actually could ask around, ok? I know that Ray does textures for an example

peace n luv